Hi there 👋! I’m a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park where I work with Profs. Rachel Rudinger and Jordan Boyd-Graber.
I’m a member of the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Lab in UMIACS.
Before coming to Maryland, I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at Lyft on the Applied Machine Learning team, and before that, I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin, where I was working with Jessy Li on elaboration during text simplification.
My research interests lie in natural language processing, particularly in natural language understanding, including problems such as commonsense reasoning, textual inference, and pragmatics.
PhD in Computer Science, 2021 -
University of Maryland, College Park
MS in Computer Science, 2020
University of Texas at Austin
BS in Computer Science, 2019
University of Texas at Austin